EuroDeck boards give a new dimension to all decks and fences. With the innovative combination of the best properties of wood and polymer (chemical compound), a new construction material was created.

Thanks to the deformation of wood fibers, you can experience the real feeling of warmth that wooden boards give. At the same time, the polymer protects the wood fibers from the atmospheric factors and biological degradation from fungi and pests. The Eurodeck composite boards biggest advantage is that there is no impregnation or conservation required, which in the case of natural wood can be expensive and time consuming. We guarantee that replacing wood surfaces or ceramic with Eurodeck you'll not need maintenance for years. Eurodeck product is perfect for those seeking a stylish material and practical to use.

The Eurodeck boards are brushed to create a natural looking aesthetic and guarantee an anti-skidding surface. Even when wet, our product is usable and safe, removing the dangers posed by slippery wet surfaces such as tiles. The product does not require the use of grout which can be easily damaged by rain and damp.

The installation kit consists of panels, moldings, beams, clips and screws that fit together quickly and cleanly. No need to perforate the cover.

The products are subjected by the factory to strict quality controls.